Graduate Work
While completing my Masters of Arts and Educational Technology at Michigan State University I completed many amazing projects. I am thrilled to be able to share examples with you below. I have sorted these examples into two categories: classroom learning and personal learning. Classroom learning examples share items that I have implement or would love to implement in my classroom. Personal Learning consists of areas where I learned something new that may or may not be related to my classroom.
In my classroom, I do not use standard grading for math. I created a visual pamphlet for families sharing how their child will be assessed in math.
Based on research and personal experience I was given the opportunity to create my dream classroom. I only wish my classroom dreams would become a reality.
As we learn, we organize information in our brain. Our schema helps us to make sense of this new information and organizes it according to the framework we have built. This recourse breaks down schema theory for a young learner.
How can teachers encourage students to take risks without feeling concerned? I was able to learn how to encourage students to take risks while conducting research. Through the process I also learned more about finding high quality scholarly research.
Classroom Learning
What is a Sketch Note Video? It is a video where they use drawings while talking to share information. They are much harder to create than they look. I learned first hand and it took many takes to complete my sub par Sketch Note Video.
Using Twitter is something I had never done prior to taking classes at MSU. Using Twitter socially isn't something I do, but I continue to use it professionally and it is a great resource. This example shows my initial lack of knowledge.
Personal Learning
Using only online sources (videos, blogs, websites, and social media) I learned how to sew show casing my ability to find high quality recourses. This was more challenging than I had anticipated but rewarding as I successfully learned to sew on my own.
I took a picture a day for 8 weeks and learned through the process how much can change. I take a lot of pictures on a daily bases but have never reflected upon how these images show the story of my life.