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Masters of Arts in Educational Technology Courses 


CEP 810: Teaching for Understanding with Technology


Debbie McHorney-Enokian

and Stephanie Jennings


Fall 2020

CEP 810 was my first class I took in the process to procure my Masters of Arts in Educational Technology. This course laid the groundwork for future writing with a strong emphasis on APA citation. The course analyzed 21st Century Learning. I examined the theory of TPACK; using technology in a classroom only when it ties into the curriculum. I was also introduced to Twitter, where I participated in Twitter chats. Throughout the class, we shared our learning in blog posts on a website we created. 

CEP 811 focused on learning from failing, Creative Commons and Universal Design for Learning. It circled back to TPACK during the creation of a UDL. I felt there were a few essential questions guiding the course. These questions were: what is best practice in the classroom, how can students learn from failing and how can we incorporate technology that helps students understand the standards we are teaching towards?  

In this course we focused on addressing misconceptions. I also learned basic coding skills. I learned to use block based coding in Scratch. I also used PencilCode and Google Apps Script.

This course focused on asking questions. I participated in a QuickFire where I created a list of questions, then whittled the list down to one while making a sketchnote video. I learned about survey design and made a survey to find out students' opinions about my designed question. Using the survey’s results, I researched and came up with a solution for my question. 

CEP 800: Psychology of Learning in School and Other Settings

Ron Houtman and Chris Sloan

Summer 2021

During this course, I learned how difficult habits are to break. I tried to break the habit of mindlessly scrolling through social media. I also created my theory of learning after reviewing various learning theories. During the process of writing my theory of learning, I realized some of the teaching philosophies I held to be true were not best practice. 

This course focused on educational research. During the first half of the course we reviewed research articles and learned key terms and concepts. For the second half of the course I determined something I would like to research and create a study that could potentially be used in my classroom. I looked at mathematical fluency, studied other research projects and created one of my own. 

This course explored ways to integrate CS standards into classrooms. We explored sonic-pi, scratch, microbit, circuit playground, and open processing. During the course, we started with an exploration of the technology. Then we imaged how we could use the technology in the classroom. Finally, we created and reflected upon our creative learning spiral.

In this course, I created many projects on MakeCode Arcade and learned more about aspects of Computer Science. This course was one of the most difficult in my pursuit of my masters degree. I would learn about aspects of Computer Science and then create a lesson plan to use in my 5th grade classroom. Often times, the lesson plans failed and I had to reflect on how to change these to accommodate young learners. 

CEP 807 was my final course in my masters program. This course pulled aspects of all the courses I took and asked me to create a comprehensive website. It also allowed me to reflect on the journey of procuring my Masters of Arts in Educational Technology. Throughout the process of creating my website, we followed the writing process where I would receive feedback from peers and my professor and edit pages on my site.  

Rollover Course

TE 846 was a course required by the Michigan Board of Education as an additional course after I gradated with my Bachelors of Science in Child Development. I took this course prior to applying for the MAET program. This class was able to roll over towards my masters degree.  During this course, I learned best practices for accommodating differences in literacy learners. 

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