The Next Ten Years
I graduated from Michigan State University in 2008 with my Bachelors of Science in Child Development. Had you asked me where I would be in 2018, or even more specifically today, I would have never guessed I would be completing my Masters of Arts in Educational Technology. I would have confidently said, “I am done taking college classes!” Now that I am on the brink of completing my Masters of Arts in Educational Technology, I have big ideas of what I’d like to do with my degree in the next ten years; I’d like to incorporate technology into my classroom, start a technology club and eventually become a technology leader for my district.
Incorporating Technology in the Classroom
I have learned many tools for incorporating technology into my classroom from my classes at Michigan State University. I learned how to code using Scratch, and python; printed on a Prusa 3D printer using Tinkercad and Thingiverse; and used Sonic-Pi to create music. In addition to learning new technology, I learned about TPACK (Technology, Pedagogy, and Content Knowledge). The TPACK philosophy advises to integrate technology in a classroom when it connects to pedagogy and content knowledge. Using TPACK as a guide I have been able to use lessons created in my MSU graduate classes with my fourth and fifth grade students. I would like to continue to use the information I gained and apply this knowledge into the four core classes in my current teaching position. My 5th grade students enjoy when a new technology is taught and are able to apply knowledge learned in the core subjects in a new way utilizing the technology.
Technology in the Classroom
My district doesn’t have opportunities for elementary students to learn about technology nor does the town I live in. As mentioned previously, I do utilize technology within my classroom. I would like to extend this and share my knowledge within my school. I’d like to start a technology club in my elementary school. I teach 5th grade and have two young daughters. I know from research conducted while working towards my Masters of Arts in Educational Technology that coding isn’t an activity as prevalent within the female gender. I would like to start a Girls Who Code club at my elementary school. Eventually I’d like to expand to other aspects of technology however I think this would be a great first step as it starts with a small group of students and has a set curriculum provided by the company. I would use Girls Who Code as a stepping stone to other aspects of technology such as Robotics or a Kids in Tech club thus allowing all students to participate. Starting small and expanding out is my current plan for integrating technology into my elementary school.
Technology Leader in the Classroom
I am very happy being a 5th grade teacher. I enjoy working with students, being in the same building with my own daughter and teaching all of the core subjects to my class. However, I think in the future it would be amazing to become a technology leader for my district. Our current Educational Technology Coach is a wonderful resource. She shares new technology to use in elementary education and helps to make our lives easier. Her role deals with everything from helping new teachers learn how to use the Google Cloud Platform to learning about a new program a teacher would like to implement in their classroom. At this time in my career I do not want to take on the responsibility of Educational Technology Coach but I believe within ten years, I can see myself sharing my knowledge with the entire district. In the meantime, I would like to share what I have learned from my Masters of Arts in Educational Technology courses with my colleagues at my elementary school.
Using my Masters of Arts in Educational Technology I want to integrate technology in my classroom, share my knowledge in my elementary school and eventually become a district Educational Tech Coach. I have lofty goals for the next ten years in my educational career but I am confident that with my determination and drive I will be successful in implementing my plans. The future is limitless with the knowledge from my Masters of Arts in Educational Technology.