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Passion Quotient (PQ), Curiosity Quotient (CQ), and Intelligent Quotient (IQ)


Updated: Apr 27, 2021

Throughout CEP 812, students have been pushed to think about ways to increase questioning in their lives. This is something I am passionate about because I believe questioning helps to improve the educational system. I ask questions when I feel something needs to be changed or I do not understand. I feel we still need to question aspects of education to find better strategies for teaching and learning. Through continuous questioning educators are constantly trying to better the system for learners.

I believe staying curious and questioning how we educate students will improve our school systems. I am constantly trying to find new teaching methods to use in the classroom. I understand that we benefit when we work with others. Using those in my Professional Learning Network, I ask questions on techniques they have found beneficial in the classroom and use this information to improve my teaching trait. I try to satisfy my curiosity through conducting research, reading educational text, participating in professional development and pursuing a Masters of Arts in Educational Technology.

Friedman stated that one's passion and curiosity can amount to something greater than your IQ, (Friedman, 2013). I explain this further in my presentation where I share how passion, curiosity, questioning and technology are all beneficial traits to possess in the field of education.


Friedman, T. (2013, January 29). It's the P.Q. and C.Q. as much as the I.Q. The New York Times.

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