My favorite course thus far while procuring my Masters of Arts in Educational Technology was CEP 833 Creativity in K-12 Computing Education. This course explored ways to integrate Computer Science standards into classrooms. We explored sonic-pi, scratch, microbit, circuit playground, and open processing. During the course, we started with an exploration of the technology. Then we imaged how we could use the technology in the classroom. Finally, we created and reflected upon our creative learning spiral. I think the students in my fourth and fifth grade classroom also enjoyed this class as much as I did;I used them as guinea pigs after I created a lesson plan for the course. All through the course I create lesson plans to use in my classroom. These lesson plans were created with the theory of TPACK. They tied together one of the four main content areas; social studies, science, math, and English language arts, with computer science standards. The lesson plan that stands out as one that I plan to use year after year incorporates English Language Arts and computer science standards to create a book report. In this lesson, students read the book Wonder which my school uses as a part of a Battle of the Books competition. Upon completion of reading the book, students created a book report using any technology of choice. Students picked to use Google Docs, Google Slides, Scratch, or Toontastic. One of the main themes throughout Wonder is the incorporation of precepts. After students created book reports, as a class they created a Scratch pass it on project. Students worked individually to share a precept they felt reflected something about them and then coded it on Scratch. The student's creation was shared with parents and used as a summative assessment for CEP 833.
Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share. (n.d.). Scratch. https://scratch.mit.edu/