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3D Printing and Coding


I loved the idea of incorporating the 3D printer and the Circuit Playground into a math unit. I decided to allow students to play around with this idea during choice time. At the beginning of the week, I explained how to use I showed creations I had made and allowed them to use the tutorials to learn more. (This was all done during choice time but I had about 20/23 students who wanted to play around with coding.) Then I told students we would be using TinkerCad (3D printing) with the Circuit Playground (we’ve printed with our 3D printer throughout the year.). I gave the students very minimal directions on what they had to create but I told students they needed to make something where they could attach the Circuit Playground to it. I provided them the dimensions: Outer Diameter: ~50.6mm / ~2.0". They needed to be able to create something with these size measurements. Our standard we were working towards was: Solve problems involving measurement and conversion of measurements from a larger unit to a smaller unit. Check out this short video showing where we got on this project.

Photo Credit: Kelly Vujea

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