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Cooking with TPACK

Updated: Apr 14, 2021

This week in CEP 810, I learned about TPACK. TPACK stands for Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge. The TPACK framework describes how content, pedagogy and technology are all overarching ideas that work together. Pedagogy is the way a teacher teaches, content is what they are teaching, and technology is the tools they use to teach.

Our challenge in CEP 810 this week, took place in the kitchen. I asked my five year old daughter to get me a plate, bowl and utensil with no other directions. She came back with a cutting board for my plate, her plastic cereal bowl and a metal spoon. I then asked my two year old daughter to pick one of four pieces of paper with cooking instructions on them out of a hat. She selected a piece of paper with the number one and the following directions: slice hard cheese for a cheese platter. I had to make do with what was in my kitchen and used a cheese stick. Using only the spoon to slice the cheese, the cutting board to slice it on and the plastic bowl as my serving dish, I had to use a different method than I would normally.

This cooking challenge was supposed to replicate a student being asked to learn content using technology that does not connect to the material they are learning. An example might be assigning students a powerpoint presentation as a way to share an essay. As a teacher it is important to ensure we are providing high quality, meaningful instruction to students, and that is the philosophy behind TPACK. If you’d like to learn more about TPACK, check out TPACK in 2 Minutes, (R, 2013).


Photo Cred: Kelly Schmitt

Mishra, P., & Koehler, M. J. (2006). Technological pedagogical content knowledge: A framework for teacher knowledge. Teachers College Record, 108(6), 1017-1054.

Candace R. (2013, April 26). TPACK in 2 Minutes. YouTube.

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